25–26 Jan 2025 266 days to go! #RunShow

Chris Nicholson

Now a wheelchair user I  suffered a spinal and brain injury which cut short a very promising rugby career. My life went on hold for a very long time 

After my horrific accident, I lost what meant most to me and it took all my motivation and drive I ever had.

Since then I have got myself out and got myself pushing. I am now back in the gym and back living my life.

My chair has now become my legs and my chair gets me running and gets me in the Outdoors.

Despite holding me back it has opened up many doors as well.

Being in a chair has its boundaries and it is very difficult. 

Since my accident I have completed a climb up Mt Snowdon which was completed in the fastest time with a team assisting me up the mountain. This year I have also completed the London Marathon 2019. The marathon opened up many doors for me, like giving me the opportunity to aiding the organising of the first inclusive trail race with OMM and Magic Outdoors at Cannock Chase in Stafford. As well as aiding in the course organisation  I also completed and came in as the first wheelchair user to complete the course

It’s not all a race though; I use my pushing on roads and trails to encourage inclusivity and promote how no matter what injury your still able to do so much and it is important to get out to keep your mind and body happy. 

Running/Pushing is my relief and becoming a huge part of my life. As a young professional who is working whilst attending university I now find my pushing my relief, it’s what keeps a smile on my face. It allows me to get out with my family and it suits everyone’s needs. 

Organising and participating in events have now given me a dream and a mission. I believe as a wheelchair user and as an adventurer I need to push the boundaries and challenge norm. Not for myself but for everyone. I need to prove that it can be done, if it takes that one push I’m motivated to push and let people know that you are the only person holding yourself back. People can tell you that you cannot do something but unless you look to adapt you won’t achieve. People can achieve great things and getting out in to the country needs to be used more whilst creating positive memories