25–26 Jan 2025 267 days to go! #RunShow

Stacey Marston

I’m an enthusiastic runner, although a very average one! I’ve been running for about 9 years and in the last few years I have been running with a club, Bournville Harriers in Birmingham, where I also joined the committee first as Social Secretary and I am now the Chairperson.

I love being part of a running club; I’ve made so many friends and taken part in some amazing team races, like the Cross Country and Road Relays, and team trips like the 24-hour Thunder Run; the Ljubljana Marathon and Half-Marathon in Slovenia and a forthcoming visit to Ireland. As Chairperson I also get to be involved in organising our club events and races, as well as taking an active role in promoting the club in the wider community.

I’m a very keen parkrunner, having run over 150 parkruns at a number of different events; I also love volunteering at my local Cannon Hill parkrun and junior parkrun.

I have recently started a book club for runners; The Runner’s Bookshelf, on Facebook, since like many runners I spend my free time when I’m not pounding the pavements, reading biographies of runners, training guides and other books on the subject!

I’m passionate about the benefits of running for health, particularly mental health, and for the social benefits that running in a group can bring. If I can encourage or persuade someone to lace up their trainers I jump at the chance! I have successfully converted both my parents and my husband into runners (although they’re not as obsessed as I am!)

I think the sense of achievement of completing a major distance challenge or getting a new PB is amazing, but I also enjoy running for its own sake and nothing beats a long Sunday run along our local canal towpaths chatting away the miles in a group. I’ve gained so much from running personally that promoting it comes naturally to me. Being part of the growing Birmingham running scene is brilliant and having the National Running Show in my home city is so exciting; I can’t wait!