31–1 Jan 2026 358 days to go! #RunShow

Tips for new trail runners from Trail Running Coach, Jude Palmer

Jude Palmer Trail Running

With current restrictions including one run, walk or cycle a day, never before have the mental and physical benefits of running trail been so relevant. Here are a few top tips to get you started.

  • Stay local, on paths you know and which where possible don’t require you to touch gates, etc
  • Run, jog or walk at a ‘chatty’ pace
  • Run tall – helps with breathing, posture and feeling positive
  • Road trainers will do – if in doubt walk. This is not the time for fast and furious
  • Keep your distance from others but remember a friendly wave and hello does wonders for everyone

Most important of all – enjoy the fresh air, your surroundings and the headspace. You never know this could be the start of a whole new running adventure. Jude Palmer Trail Running