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Looking after your mental well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic, by Ben Robertson


  • stay hydrated – being hydrated helps keeps you feeling active and alert
  • Sleep well – avoid late nights, caffeine in the hours before bed and don’t use mobile device in bed
  • eat well – stick to regular meals especially breakfast

(NOTE – these first three all impact on motivation and mood and therefore plays key part in your mental well-being throughout the day)

  • Limit your exposure to the news – in particular via social media as this can often be misinformation or exaggerated which in turn can cause cause unnecessary worry and anxiety.  Try muting conversations or groups until this all calms down
  • Talk to people whether they be at home or via phone, text, video calls etc you are not alone and people may share your worries. But also don’t feel like a burden as its important you make others aware of how you are feeling
  • Natural air / green time – during this period you are still permitted to have one daily exercise outdoors by yourself whilst adhering to the precautions of keeping more then 2m away from others so make the most of it, go for a walk or run. If you are self isolating due to symptoms in your households then if you have a garden make sure you get plenty of fresh air in the garden or by simply opening you windows
  • First thing in the morning get up and make you bed. This may sound simple but it’s easy to fall into a lull of thinking/feeling “I don’t have to get up as early or I don’t have to go to work , can’t go anywhere” etc….. by getting up and making your bed that one task done for the day which will spur you on to do another task like, have a shower, put a wash load on etc such tasks help keep motivated and occupy the mind
  • Try something new –  i.e. read a book, do the garden, draw, bake
  • Plan your days – make a loose schedule to keep momentum throughout the week i.e. meals, tasks, exercises,watch a box set, rest time, family calls
  • Reminder yourself what you do have – health, roof over head, food, family, future plans like birthdays, weddings sporting events
  • Have a family movie evening


  • Neglect yourself especially in terms of diet, sleep or exercise
  • Don’t believe everything you read on social media, even if shared by family and friends. Just because they shared it does not mean it’s credible. people tend to fall in a media sharing frenzy with such major events
  • Don’t forget this is temporary
  • Whilst exercising is good don’t overdo it and keep a steady level of fitness/exercise
  • I know its easier said than done but try not to think about the what ifs, because that’s one thing about uncertain times you cannot foresee the true outcome
  • Avoid alcohol during this period as we all know it can impact your mood

Here are some resources that may help:

There’s always me, As I said on stage I’m here for people so feel free to message me via my @getoutgetmuddy facebook or instagram pages. or my [email protected].

Professional services:

Mind Charity: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/

The World Health Organisation: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/coping-with-stress.pdf?sfvrsn=9845bc3a_2