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The 5 Worst Things You Can Do on a Trail Run (and How to Avoid Them)

We asked the Harrier Trail Running community to share the worst things you can do on a trail run – and boy, did they deliver. 

From losing your car keys to bathroom mis-adventures, here’s a guide to trail running’s finest facepalms and how not to ruin your next adventure.

1. Run up hills

Hills: nature’s way of saying, “Are you sure about this?” Charging up them might feel heroic but usually ends with your lungs hosting an emergency meeting and your legs filing for divorce. But guess what? It’s totally okay to walk up hills. The trail-running police will not confiscate your race bib.

Top tip: Let your heart rate be your coach. If you’re deep into “I’m dying” mode, slow it down. Staying in ‘zone 2’ allows you to sustain activity over longer periods, so zone in my friend! Bonus: Running poles are like hiking wands. Abracadabra, less suffering.

2. Accidentally end up on Tarmac

When you long for the unpaved beauty of the trails, there’s nothing worse than pounding the pavement. Your feet won’t thank you, either. Road shoes typically have flatter and bouncier soles than your trail shoes – so keep them bad boys where they belong.

Top tip: Plan your route like you plan your snacks – carefully. Use mapping apps or, even better, a paper map and compass. Yes, it’s retro, but so is vinyl and everyone loves that.

3. Lose your car keys

Oh, you thought your run was over? Plot twist!

There’s no high like a runner’s high… until it’s wiped out by the panicked pat down and realising your car keys are AWOL. What’s worse than retracing your steps for miles? Nothing. Literally nothing.

Top tip: Stash your keys somewhere secure. Race vests like Harrier’s with a key clip are a game changer. Or you can always improvise by duct-taping them to your arm (…just kidding).

4. Bathroom “mishaps”

Been there? When nature calls in nature, and you really, really wish it hadn’t?

Whether it’s your energy gel staging a rebellion or breakfast coming back for an encore, things can get… messy.

Top tip: Train your gut as well as your legs. Practice running after eating your trail snacks or gels to help your body adapt. 

And hey, pack a small stash of toilet paper or wipes into your race vest. Just, for the love of trails, follow Leave No Trace rules.

5. Run, run, run

Look, running fast is cool. But you know what’s cooler? That gorgeous view you blew past because you were too focused on your Strava stats.

Top tip: Take a moment to pause, breathe, and soak it all in (there are bonus points for spotting wildlife, you know?). Remember, nobody’s handing out medals for skipping the best parts, so stop and savour that view.

Trail running is wild, wonderful, and occasionally ridiculous. You’ll get muddy, lose keys, and question your life choices halfway up a hill. But with a little planning and a lot of snacks, you can conquer the trails and maybe even enjoy the chaos along the way.

Speaking of conquering, Harrier’s Beginner Trail Bundle has everything you need to start running like a pro (or at least look like one). Now go forth, hit the trails, and may your snacks be tastey and your car-keys secure.