31–1 Jan 2026 324 days to go! #RunShow

Karen Guttridge

Karen Guttridge began her running journey in her early 50s at her doctor’s suggestion that it might help with menopausal symptoms. She’d had an on-off relationship with running over the years, training for a fun run or two then shelving her trainers for months on end. Her doctor encouraged her to lace up again, especially as yearly Well Woman scans were showing signs of osteopenia too.

She was so blown away by the huge positive effects that running brought to her life both physically and mentally that she started an online women’s running community. Running Like a Wrinkly aims to inspire, educate and support women in navigating the menopause years and beyond.

Karen is an ASICS FrontRunner and England Athletics Run Leader who firmly believes that fun and laughter are key elements in her running groups where the brightly coloured group T shirts sport a pink doughnut.
