31–1 Jan 2026 324 days to go! #RunShow

Nicky Edwards

Nicky Edwards is a Physiotherapist, Sports Scientist, and avid runner. Nicky has worked as part of the medical team at The London Marathon and has run it too! Her passion is helping women run Faster, Further & Stronger and Stay Injury Free by Training in Harmony with their Female Physiology.

The majority of research about running and the effect on the body has been conducted on young men. That’s why you may be following a “proven” training programme but your performance has plateaued, or even worse, deteriorated  Women are NOT small men and shouldn’t train and fuel like men.

Nicky teaches women about hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle, perimenopause, menopause and post menopause and how to train SMARTER not harder in harmony with their female physiology. Nicky wants to empower women to understand their body and become the best version of themselves and SMASH their running goals!

Nicky is the founder of Chiltern Physiotherapy (who are hosting the Gait Zone) and Renovate Wellness (who are hosting the Strength Zone). She hosts the Facebook group ‘Running To, Through & Beyond Menopause’ which is for women of all running abilities, from those yet to start on their running journey through to seasoned athletes. Pace and distance are irrelevant – the group isn’t about comparing yourself to others. It’s about being the best version of yourself through running.